I was feeling pretty brave last week when I took two toddlers and my 3 month old to Trafalga by myself. It actually worked out nicely because my sister and her friend came over at the same time to get their picture taken for their pass, so Carter and Ady were able to go on some of the rides with them that I wouldn’t have been able to take them on since I had a baby with us.
I would recommend to anyone that lives in the Utah county area to get a Pass of all Passes. It has some great things for kids to do for so cheap!!
Always match when you can!
oh my goodness.. this baby and her hair! I can’t help but laugh! It was combed down, but it has a mind of its own..
One of my favorite pictures ever! My sister Jenni and her friend stopped to pose for a picture. Off to the side Carter and Ady copied them by themselves. I seriously couldn’t stop laughing.
It unfortunately started raining during mini-golf, so we headed home, but I think the picture below shows just how much fun they had 🙂